Colin was born on Dave's birthday. I remember joking with Dave when I was a few days overdue that he was waiting to come for his dad's birthday. And that he did. Dave told everyone at the hospital that day that it was his birthday and his son was his gift.

We celebrated their birthdays on Wednesday this week. Colin had been excited for weeks for his birthday to come. One Saturday I took Colin to the store to point out things he might want as gifts. We ended up getting him some new art supplies (drawing paper, new pens, paints and brushes and paint paper) and a book called Wonkenstein. He LOVED the book. He said it was the best gift ever. The author, Obert Skye, came and visited the school and Colin loved every minute of it. He came home and started writing and illustrating his own books. He drew pictures of Wonkenstein. They read the book at school but he was still excited to get to read it at home. It's a funny book and I love sitting there reading and laughing with the kids, Colin excited because he knows a good part is coming up. It's so fun seeing these boys grow up and noticing how they change year after year. It's fun seeing them developing their talents and wondering what they will be like 5 or 10 years from now. I know Dave doesn't get his own special day anymore, but I don't think he minds sharing with his son.