Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I was looking through some of Logan's baby pictures today when I found one of him with his Great-great grandma. I realized I had one of each boy with her. When I was growing up it was a normal thing to have lots of grandparents and great grandparents. I think today though, it's unusual that my children have 2 sets of grandparents, 3 great grandmas, 1 great grandpa, and 2 great-great grandmas (both just turned 99). A few weeks ago we went to my nephew's baptism. My parents were there, my dad's parents were there and my dad's grandma was there. All of my dad's
grandchildren were there as well. We got a picture of all of us because we wondered when we'd all be together again to get it done. I know I need to go and visit them more often and let my kids get to know them better. I love sitting with my grandma and hearing her stories. Whenever I talk to her she helps me to remember what is most important and she always tells me what a good mom I am. She always says exactly what I need to hear and she teaches me something about how to love my family because of the way she loves her family. I think my kids realize how special they are to have so many grandparents. One Thanksgiving Trevor looked around the room and said, "Mom, I have 5 grandmas here!" I'm so glad we have extended family that live so close. Dave's sister was in Vegas this past weekend and we got to see her and her kids for an hour or so. Sometimes Dave's parents or sister and her husband will come to town on business and we'll get to spend time with them. When I was newly pregnant with Logan Dave's family traveled here and then we all drove to Utah for a family reunion. We met people we were related to but didn't know. Dave's dad loves to do genealogy and it's so fun to see how far back our family goes, how we're related to so many different people. Just looking at these three pictures of my Great grandma holding my boys makes me see how important family is and how we need to take more time to sit and listen and learn from the ones who have lessons to teach us because of what they've already experienced.


Heidi said...

That is so cool! What a wonderful thing for your boys!! I wish that my Grandparents were still alive!

Karen said...

I was just thinking about Grandma. The last time I saw her was at my Grandma Joy's funeral. She doesn't look 99! It's amazing. Good genes!

Jess said...

That is amazing to have so many grandparents alive. What neat experiences for your family to have so much extended family members around.

Borino said...

I love to take advantage of Chad's trips to Vegas to see you guys. I do wish that we lived closer though.