Thursday, December 31, 2009
My little warriors
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Dave's been wanting e to update the blog so here are some pictures I've taken recently. I think in the future Dave needs to take pictures so I can be in some.
Here are the boys Christmas Eve before going to my mom's for breakfast. We took like fifty pictures of them and this was the best one.
Christmas Morning after the gifts have been open. Loving Trevor's hair that morning (they got haircuts the nest day). And this is Logan's new smile. When he sees the camera he closes his eyes and opens his mouth. I'm interested to see how long this phase lasts.
Trevor has had his front tooth hanging there for forever. Finally he was eating lunch and it fell out. That night he wrote a note to the tooth fairy asking what does she do when their town starts to break (since we all know in Tooth Fairy land the buildings are all made of teeth). He's ready with a new question when the next tooth falls out.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I've been giving the lesson each week this month at church for the kids. Each lesson has been centered around Christ - how He was born into a family, what His childhood was like, what things he did during His life, how we can remember Him more this December. I keep telling these kids things they can do to remember Jesus and to make the holiday more special but am I trying to do the same? Well maybe I'm trying a little but not really succeeding. I yell at my kids all of the time, I stress and worry over little things that don't really matter, I frown more than I smile, I nag and complain. I wonder why the holidays seems to bring out the worse in some people. It should be a time when everyone is happy, when we all remember how blessed we are, how lucky we are to have the things we have. We should all feel more willing to be nice to strangers, and especially to our family members. As the day went on today I found myself thinking, "I have one more week." I am determined to make this week better. The kids will be home so I'll have to keep my patience, but I also want to do things so that my family will think more of Christ and more of the reason we're celebrating. When it's all over and done with, when Saturday comes and the gifts are unwrapped I want to look back on this week and remember the good, not feel sorry for the bad.

Friday, December 11, 2009
Christmas Family Pictures
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Good dancin'
Dave was working out the other night in the garage (come on ladies, we all want our husbands to have bodies like Jacob in New Moon...or Hugh Jackman in any of his movies) and the boys were out listening to his music and dancing. When I got the camera out to record them Trevor decided to ham it up. He seriously cracks me up in this video. Sometimes I do not know where that boys gets the stuff he says and does. One day he will see this and be embarrassed but for now it's fun for all.
This color is called Collectible. I wonder where they come up with names for paint colors. This is the old playroom and it will soon be the guest/Dave's drawing room. I told Dave I wanted to decorate it, paint it any color I wanted. What I REALLY wanted was a yellow room. Buttery yellow walls, a cozy quilt on the bed, an antique desk in the corner and curtains that fluttered in the breeze. But then I came back to reality and knew it needed to be a room Dave wanted to be in so he could draw. I had suggested a chocolate brown, but he said that was too dark. So I went to the store and got some samples, but when Dave left a few days later to the paint store he came back with something different. But it was a good different. Dave has an eye for color that I will never understand. He can pick out colors and know if they have red, blue, or yellow tones in them. He can choose from a variety of colors and pick two that go so well together where as I have no idea what goes with what. He can see something at the store and when we bring it home it matches perfectly with what we were trying to match. I guess that is why he's the artist. So someday when I have published books and boys away at college I will have to make my yellow room where I can sit and write. A place just for me. For now it will be Dave's place and a place for our guests, and I am sure Trevor, Colin and Logan will all think it's there special room as well.
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