Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer vacation, take 2

I had big plans for this summer. My house was going to stay clean, I was going to workout every day, the kids were going to do chores, and read and work on writing and math, I was going to do preschool with Logan, we were going to cook and play games and spend the days doing art, swimming, going to the library, the park and other fun outings. I made a schedule and I was going to stick to it. I'm good at making schedules, but I'm horrible at following them. Horrible. I want to be structured and organized and run my home like a classroom, but I just can't do it. I get lazy and I let the computer lure me in every single day where I spend precious hours looking at Facebook and reading blogs, looking up things on Pinterest, e-mailing my friends, watching shows and wasting time. I waste a lot of time on the computer. Some of the stuff I do is good, but most of it is a big, fat waste of time. So, I decided that since it's July and a new month I am going to try again with my big summer plans and try my hardest to follow that darn schedule. But just so you know, June wasn't a total waste of time. We did have some fun. Here are some pictures to prove it:
swimming with family on Memorial Day

Playing with cousins

The Smalley family visited us from Boston. Logan and his new best friend Jeffrey.
The kids being goofy. We had a great time swimming, eating and playing
with my friend Pam and her family.

Pam and me! She is one of my favorite friends from high school.

A tried to the Leid Discovery Museum. Yippee for free tickets
from the library!!

Logan loved playing in the grocery store

Hanging out with the Hutchings on 4th of July

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