Once a year for the past several years we've gone to take family pictures. We go to the same place every time since I always have a coupon and I think they turn out cute. I like pictures that are simple and we always get a shot where we see the picture and say "That is totally their personality." So Saturday was our day to go again since Logan just turned one and we were in need of a new family photo. I loved how they turned out this time. The boys had fun even though they could not follow directions for anything. But when we saw their pictures it was more them with Logan trying to get away, Colin looking like he's posing for a GQ cover and Trevor playing the protective brother, trying to keep Logan from running away. After we took pictures we went and got lunch (the one time a year I get Hot Dog on a Stick) and then let the boys play in the play area at the mall. It turned out to be a fun day and I love the way the mantel in the family room looks now with our new pictures. It's also nice when the boys are making me crazy I can look up and see those sweet faces and remember why I love them so much.