We had an early birthday party Monday January 7, 2008. It all started with my water breaking early Monday morning around 1. I was sure that was not what happened so after an hour or so of debating what I was going to do I finally woke Dave up with those famous words, "Honey, I think my water broke." Dave was up and out of the bed, getting dressed, telling me to call my mom, telling me to get dressed and let's get going. I've never seen him get out of bed so quickly. We got to the hospital around 3:15 in the morning and sure enough the nurse affirmed what had happened. The doctor on call was called and I was in the operating room by 5:30 and Logan was born at 5:57 a.m. It was so strange, having him so early (my due date was not until January 28th) but when Dave and I heard him crying and saw him for the first time we were both excited and happy to welcome him into the family.
The last two days have gone by so quickly. I had the best hospital stay ever with the best nurses looking after Logan and me. My mom was at the hospital that first day to take care of the baby while I tried to rest and Monday and Tuesday night the nursery at the hospital kept Logan so I could sleep. I had such a relaxing time there and really enjoyed the time I had to myself with the baby. Dave did a great job taking care of the boys and running things while I was gone and it was so good to come home this afternoon and see my other boys. Colin looks huge to me now and to our surprise he was really excited to see his new brother. He even wanted to help feed him a bottle and he does not seem too upset that he is no longer the baby in the family. Trevor has already been a big helper and like to just sit and look at his new baby.
It's nice for all of us to be at home now and to have our three boys. I am looking forward to the next few weeks, getting settled in with a new baby and seeing how the boys are. I am feeling so great after this surgery and we are getting so much help from family and friends in the ward that it will make my recovery a little easier. And Dave's parents will be here next week so they will get to see their new grandson before they expected to.
Well I think Little Champ is ready for another bottle....we'll keep everyone posted on how the family is doing and get more pictures up soon!