Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Here are some new picturs from the weekend. We've been trying out food with Logan and he's not been too interested. This weekend I tried sweet potatoes since Trevor and Colin loved them as babies but Logan had more fun spitting it out. Dave mowed the lawn Saturday night and Colin wanted to help. Trevor usually helps too but he was upstairs playing the computer. He is so good at the games he plays that he can do it all himself. I think soon he will be better on the computer than I am. He definitly takes after his dad!


Karen said...

I'm jealous that you have a nice big yard but glad that I'm not the one who has to mow it. We are trying to put in fake grass so that mowing can be avoided.

Lisa Tippetts said...

Great picture of Dave mowing the yard. I am pretty positive that will not be a picture I will ever get of my husband. :)

Cyndi said...

That middle picture is so sweet! What cute boys you have my dear!

Heidi said...

Cute pictures of all 3 boys!
All we have are rock in our yard!
Oh, I liked reading about your "tag"

Belinda said...

Hey what happened to your lawn guy? Dave didn't mow the lawn before.