Sunday, July 27, 2008

Whose idea was it?

Last night Dave and I were having trouble getting the boys calmed down to go to bed. Finally, Dave said "Let's just forget about them and watch our movie and relax." So we did watch our move - a few times during our movie I thought I heard the boys running around upstairs, talking and playing, but I just ignored them and enjoyed the time with Dave. Around 9:45 we go upstairs after the movie was over. I checked on Logan, put his blankets on and then went in the boys room to check on them. They were gone. Neither one was in his bed. Then I went into our room and Trevor and Colin were fast asleep in our bed. This morning when they woke up I said, "I found two boys sleeping in my bed last night." When I asked whose idea it was to go to sleep in Mom and Dad's bed Trevor said, "It was Colin's idea." I knew he was right since Colin is always the one to think of what to do at night to get out of going to sleep and Trevor usually follows along. Now that they've done it once I wonder if they'll try and do it again....


Lisa Tippetts said...

That is adorable. Were you freakin out when they weren't in thier beds? I would have gone into panic mode. Colin is going to be quite the handful. (but I love the way he thinks!)

Kel said...

That is such a cute picture! What a fun memory for your boys to have and joke about with each other that they snuck in mom and dad's bed and went to sleep. Thanks for sharing your fun stories!

Borino said...

That is so cute!! It's funny that Colin had the idea!

Heidi said...

That is something my girls do! Cute picture.. I like the yellow car in his hand. Oh, and our house is in the Silverado Ranch area. That is where we have been renting. We really like it out here. I will put some pictures up later this week of the house:-) And yes, I drove to school w/ you because Erin was alway late to school. Thanks for the nice memory you left of my blog!

The Sewell Family said...

I'm amazed they could get in your bed. I guess boys are climbers though! They look so cozy in your bed.