We have a good groups of kids in our ward between the ages of 4 and 6. They all like one another and play well together. This year a lot of us have had little playgroups for the different ages. Since school is ending one of the girls invited all of the preschool and kindergarten kids over to her house for a water party. Her mom got one of those huge blow-up water slides, had hot dogs for lunch and let the kids just play. It ended up being a lot of fun. Trevor and Colin had such a great time jumping on the trampoline, shooting kids with water and playing on the slide. Logan splashed around in the wet grass, chased a duck around the yard and walked around eating food from everyone's plates. The moms had a good time talking and watching our kids. It's so nice to see all of the friends my boys have to grow up with. No matter if they are younger or older than Trevor and Colin they all get along so well and have such a good time together. It makes me wonder if they'll have water parties with these same kids when they are all teenagers. I hope so. I loved growing up with same group of kids and still knowing them today. I'd love for my boys to have that as well - childhood friends they stick with all their lives.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Finally! Well, it's 99% done
The boys new room is finally done. We had the carpets in the house cleaned today and I wanted to switch the furniture in the rooms before Dave got home from work. I did it all and I think it looks great. There are 2 more things we have to do - put up the shelf for the closet so they can hang their clothes and move the big dresser out. I worked while the boys played and when I was done I told them I had a surprise. When they came up to see Colin was excited but Trevor said, "Oh, man I wanted a new toy." Oh well, maybe he'll like it more when he goes to sleep tonight. So here it is....
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Colin was born on Dave's birthday. His due date was May 5th but I wanted to try and have him on my own so I waited to go into labor. Well he was late, but we ended up doing a C-section anyway. Dave was excited to have Colin on his birthday - I remember he told all of the nurses and people at the hospital it was his birthday that day. We celebrated their birthdays this weekend with breakfast at IHOP, then we went to the Shark Reef, then home to have cake and open gifts. It was a fun day, the boys all got along well and enjoyed playing with Colin's new toys. Colin is such a funny little kid with his unique facial expressions, big blue eyes and his funny way of seeing the world around him. Here are some things about Colin:
He loves to draw, loves to eat everything except dinner, can't sit still in Primary, likes to throw tantrums, likes to run away from me at the store and hide (but if he has paper and a pen he'll sit in the basket and draw the whole time), loves going to Grandma's house because she has better food, loves playing with Trevor and he's starting to like to play with Logan, he used to not like to be held as a baby but he does now, LOVES to wear pajamas, loves taking baths, has itchy skin and hates when we put lotion on, says cute prayers, sings off key, loves to play the computer, loves his dad.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Dance Festival
Trevor's school does a Dance Festival each year. They have been learning about Australia in class and they learned a parachute dance for the festival. We all went last night to watch and even though we were all sweating from the heat it turned out so cute. The little kindergartners were so cute and when Trevor saw us he was smiling so big and kept looking our way. He did a great job on the dance - when I asked if he got nervous he said, "I had some grasshoppers in my stomach." 
After taking pictures Dave decided we need a new camera that has a zoom feature.
Monday, May 4, 2009
8th Anniversary....almost
When Dave and I first got married a wise friend of mine (thanks Tricia!) told me that for each
anniversary we needed to go away or spend at least one night away from our kids. In the (almost) 8 years that we have been married we have done that. We've been to San Diego, Laguna Beach, Cedar City, St George, stayed at the Treasure Island, and a few times have had the kids spend the night with my mom or sister when we've stayed home. This year we added Reno to the list. Dave's family lives there and his sister was planning to have her new baby's blessing this past weekend so Dave and I decided to use this weekend as our anniversary get-a-away and get the chance to see his family. My parents watched the kids while Dave and I had massages (a favorite anniversary activity of ours), went to dinner, had a paddle boat tour of Lake Tahoe and spent the day with Dave's family. It was a fun weekend and a nice time to get away. When we got home last night the boys were already asleep but they wasted no time this morning reminding Dave and me what we missed while we were gone. It's so nice to have family close by so we can get away when we want....next year it's my turn to plan. I already have some good ideas as to where I want to go! 
This is a picture from the boat. It was cold, cloudy and I swear it was snowing that day (okay it was slushy rain). Despite the weather we did have fun on the boat ride. The soup we had for lunch tasted even better with the cold day and the lake was beautiful!
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