Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Greatest Grandmas

My grandma came over the other day with my great-grandma so she could meet Logan. I have pictures of all of the boys now with their great-great grandma and I wonder how many kids out there can say they have a great-great grandma? (actually they have 2!). When we had Thanksgiving Trevor counted all of the "grandmas" that were there and he counted 5 that day. There was my mom (his grandma), my mom's mom (his great grandma) and her mom (his great-great grandma) then there was my dad's mom (great-grandma) and her mom (great-great). I told him he was pretty lucky to have so many grandmas and that he still had another grandma (Dave's mom) and one more great (her mom). All of these grandmas may get confusing but I love that my boys can grow up knowing so many of their grandparents and learn what they all have to offer.

Trevor with his great and great-great grandmas.

Colin and Great-Great Grandma (we all call her Little Grandma because she is so small)

Logan and Little Grandma (wow, our boys really do all look alike!)

1 comment:

Lisa Tippetts said...

That is awesome. I didn't even get to meet some of my grandparents let alone great or great-great grandparents. They are lucky little boys!