Sunday, December 28, 2008
It's finished!
Friday, December 19, 2008
New Pictures
The new office is coming along. We've finished all of the painting (I LOVE the colors Dave picked) and tomorrow we're going to install the wood floors to match the flooring we have in the rest of the downstairs. I can't wait to get all of the furniture down there!
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008
New baby!
Here's Macy with her new baby sister Kinsley.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The Remodel
They took off the closet doors and cut the wall back a little. This is where the corner part of the computer desk will sit. The old doorway to the left has been closed in and we're going to do some built in shelves. I can't wait to post the finished pictures!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Not Freezing to Death

Since the weather has been so nice Dave and I decided to whisk the kids away to the beach for a few days. Here is Logan on the beach for the first time....just kidding. That's Colin from 2 years ago. I took some cute pictures of the boys yesterday in the backyard when we were all playing and for the life of me I can't get them from the camera to my computer. So I put this picture up to make my friend Tricia jealous because right now it's as warm as a summer day at the beach. Well, maybe not that warm but it sure is a heck of a nice day. On Sunday one of my friends said she was so sad because she was putting up her Christmas decorations and it was warm and sunny and she was getting hot. She misses the cold and the snow. I don't know how people can miss the cold and the snow when it's so beautiful. I will never understand the love of snow. I lived in it for three years in college and I can honestly say I don't miss it one little bit. Sure it's pretty to look at, but when you have to go out and walk to class and it's 20 degrees and you get all wet from it and your toes start to thank you. I will take 78 degrees in the middle of November any day. So sorry Tricia that you're already freezing to death. I am going to go open another window to let in some of this nice, fall air.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Changes to come....

Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Interview with Trevor
1. What is something mom always says to you? - I love you
2. What makes mom happy? - Kisses
3. What makes mom sad? - I don't know
4. What is her favorite thing to do? - Go to a party (I'm not sure where this came from since I never go to parties...maybe because I went out to dinner with friends recently?)
5. What does your mom do when you're not around? - Take care of Colin (what about Logan?)
6. What is your mom really good at? - Cooking
7. What is your mom not very good at? - Playing, because you always say 'I have to go to a meeting, I'm going to a party, I have to go upstairs.' (This answer made me very sad! But again where is the whole party thing coming from??)
8. What does your mom do for her job - Go to meetings (Do I really go to that many meetings?)
9. What is your mom's favorite food? - Enchiladas (he is so right and it's his favorite too!)
10. What makes you proud of your mom? - Proud that you're back home from a meeting (Hmmm, maybe I need to have a talk with the bishop!)
11. What do you and your mom do together? - We do homework (he smiled when he said this so it must be a good thing)
12. How are you and your mom the same?- We both have blue eyes
13. How are you and your mom different? - You have long hair
I'm thinking I need to go play with Trevor now.
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
What's Next?

Colin was stuck in the gate. A while back we put a lock on the gate because Colin figured if he stood on his bike he could reach the latch and get the gate open. He then figured out the combination to the lock (never use 0000 - kids can guess that too easily) so we changed that and thought we had finally stopped Colin from trying to get out front. He is one determined boy and I guess this time he thought he had a good plan....until his head would not fit through. I must admit I started laughing when I saw him. It was funny to me. I called Dave and told him what happened and he told me to try and get his body back through (I was not thinking and for the life of me could not figure out what to do) so we eventually got him out. When I asked him what in the world he was doing he said he wanted to get out so he could give Dad a kiss. I guess since I was making dinner he knew Dad would be home soon. I told him the next time he wanted to go our front he needed to tell Mom or Dad first and then use the front door. As we walked back into to the house, our sweet Trevor said, "Mom, I knew he would get unstuck because I said a prayer." I just keep wondering what Colin is going to do next.
Friday, October 3, 2008
A Real Ice Cream Truck!
Friday, September 26, 2008
My little flasher

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
What we've been up to
Trevor: He's doing so well in school and has really improved in his listening skills. We were so happy last week when he got a stamp on his hand every day for being good in class. He is learning so much and really seems to enjoy school. I see him on the playground playing with new friends and he works very hard on his homework.
Colin: My friends and I started a playgroup for Colin and their sons Aaron and Nathan. All of the boys are about the same age. They have loved playing together and it's something they look forward to each week. It's fun seeing Colin playing with boys his own age and they are all pretty funny to watch when they are together. Next week we'll start going to the library for story time and I know he'll love that. Colin also has a little crush....Dave and the boys were telling stories the other night and Dave said, "And the Princess was named Mama Kasey." Colin said, "No, the Princess is not Mama Kasey, it's Colby's Mom." We walk to school with Colby and his mom and Colin just loves her. He always wants to give her hugs and talk to her. He got to go and play with her today so I could go to Trevor's class and he loved that.
Logan: He's almost 9 months old and he's crawling, standing and trying to walk when he stands. He's into everything and loves to go in the playroom with his older brothers. They usually let him play with them but sometimes they will start to yell "TROUBLE" when he's messing with their stuff. He finally got some teeth but now it seems they are all coming at once now! He's been a little miserable at night, but seems to be doing better. I can see so many bumps in his mouth of teeth that are coming and it looks so painful but he's a trooper and does well.
That's all for now!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Logan's New Talent

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
A little taste
The Wizard laughed softly. “My name is Rupin.”
“Rupin,” Trevor repeated. “Your house is hidden but I knew it was here. Have I been here before?”
Rupin gazed around the room and then settled his eyes on Trevor. He looked at the boy thoughtfully. “You have been here before, but you must not have remembered. You have been here many times.”
Trevor looked out the window. “Is this a town? This place, Evarb?”
“Yes. The castle and my home are on the edge of town. If you go back out on the road covered with trees and walk the way you came you will pass the castle and then a mile up will be the town. There are many good things in Evarb, but there are also many dangers.”
“What kind of dangers?”
Rupin shook his head. “I can not tell you that now. You will find out soon enough.”
Trevor sat for a moment and when Rupin did not say anything more he took that as an indication that he was supposed to leave. Trevor stood and started for the door. Before he walked back outside he turned and asked, “How do I know what to do once I get to town?”
Rupin smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “You will know just as you knew how to find the door in the castle and how you knew how to find my cottage.”
Monday, August 25, 2008
First Day

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Pepperoni Pan Pizza
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 28 oz. can crushed tomatoes
salt and pepper to taste
Cook oil and garlic in medium saucepan over low heat until garlic is soft (about 2 minutes). Add tomatoes and cook on medium heat until thickened, 10-15 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. (Makes enough for 3 pizzas, this recipe makes 2 pizzas, so freeze extra sauce.)
Heat 3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons milk in microwave until warm (not HOT). Add 2 teaspoons sugar and 2 tablespoons olive oil and mix.
In a standing mixer measure 2 1/3 cups flour, 1 package yeast, and 1/2 tablespoons salt. Turn mixer on low and add milk. Mix until combined and then raise speed to medium and mix until dough is smooth, about 5 minutes. Shape dough into a ball and place in a bowl coated with cooking spray. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise about 30 minutes.
Coat the bottom of two round cake pans with 3 tablespoons each Olive Oil. Divide dough in half and shape into balls. Roll out dough into 9 inch circles and then press into oiled pans. Cover pans and let rise for about 20 minutes.
Heat oven to 400 degrees. Top pizza with 2/3 cups sauce (leaving a 1/2-inch border around the sides), cheese and pepperoni. Bake for about 20 minutes until golden brown. Let the pizza sit in pans one minute and the remove.
Mmmm, mmmm good!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Rollie Pollie

Friday, August 8, 2008
Our little characters
Friday, August 1, 2008
Our beautiful boys
When I was pregnant with Trevor I was sure he was a girl. I wanted a girl since I was so girly and I knew Dave would be good with a little girl. Then when Colin came along I wanted another boy. Sometimes I'd get excited at the thought of having a girl but I wanted a friend for Trevor. When I was pregnant with Logan I pretended to want a girl because everyone else wanted me to have a girl but really I just wanted another boy. There are some families we know who have all boys and I would say to Dave, "I want to be just like them." People always ask if we're going to try for a girl, but I don't feel like we're missing out by not having one. Besides it's nice being the only girl in the house.

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Whose idea was it?

Thursday, July 17, 2008
A little summer fun

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Are you a good cooker?
Colin (looking at the food on his plate in disgust): What is this?
Me: It's manicotti
Colin: I don't wike mani-cotti
Me (upset that I can never cook anything he "wikes"): Oh well that is what's for dinner tonight.
Trevor (taking a big bite): Mmmm, it's good. Mom, you're a better cooker than the food network.
Me (giving Trevor a big hug): See, your brother likes it.
Colin: I'm done (gets up and takes his plate full of food to the counter)
Later that night....
Colin: Mom, I'm huuungry.
Me: Too bad, you should have eaten your manicotti.
Colin (very angry): But I don't WIKE mani-cotti!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Half a year already?

Logan spit up in his crib this morning so I decided to give him a bath. When his bath was done and he was all wrapped in his towel I put him in the rocking chair so I could change his sheets. As he was sitting there he looked so cute I had to take a picture and I kept thinking I could use these for his 6 month picture in his baby book. Yes, my little guy is half a year old now. It's hard to believe all of that time has gone by and it makes me think that in the blink of an eye we'll be taking the Christmas tree down and getting ready to celebrate his 1st birthday in January. Here are some of our favorite things about our Little Champ:
- His smile - not showing it here but he usually has a huge smile on his face.
- His big blue eyes...the left one has a little brown spot in it so I think it's cool he's a little unique that way.
- How good he sleeps.
- His laugh
- How content he always seems to be. He seems to epsecially enjoy watching his brothers play.
- The way he chews on his toes. Babies are so flexible.
- His loving personality. He can be with anyone and warm up to them immediately.
- The way he knows all of us - he gets a look on his face when he sees me or his dad or brothers that tell us he knows us and he's happy to be part of our family.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Eyre Family Reunion

Friday, June 27, 2008
The Search for the Perfect Cookie

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Just some random stuff
Trevor has strep throat. On Monday my friend Marylin called me to tell me she saw the doctor my kids go to (Dr. Downey - they love him) because her daughter was sick with strep. So on Friday when Trevor woke up telling me his neck hurt (he'd had a fever the day before and was tired all day long - it was actually kind of nice him being sick!) I called Marylin and asked her what the symptoms for strep were. She told me to take him in just in case, "If you wait all weekend and it is strep then he's going to be miserable." So I took him in and we ended up seeing the doctor Marylin always takes her kids to. It took three of us to hold Trevor down to get the throat culture but it was positive so I was glad we had gone in. He feels "too good" now and said his neck is "much cooler." I just keep watching Colin for symptoms too since he's the one who usually get sick so if he does not get this I will be very surprised.
Colin keeps waking up dry each morning which is nice but he will have one good day with no accidents and then the next day it's like he forgot how to go on the toilet. Oh well, at least when he does have an accident it's on he wood floors and not the carpet. That's something to be grateful for. Yesterday when I took Trevor to the doctor I asked my dad to watch Colin and Logan since I am always afraid they would catch the germs there. So I tell Colin he is going to Papa's house and he says, "What about Gramma?" and I say, Grandma is at work." and he says with a frown on his face, "Oooh, but I miss Gramma."
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Anniversary, Father's Day and Colin's Success

The best marriage advice I ever got was from my friend Tricia who told Dave and me to always spend at least one night away from our kids for our anniversaries. We took that advice to heart and also decided that each year we would take turns planning the anniversary as a surprise for the other person. Dave does the even years and I do the odd. We also buy a little something to put on a shelf in the family room to remember where we went or what we did. So here is a little recap of what we've done so far:
Year 1 - I planned a trip to San Diego. We went to Balboa park and Coronado Island to go to the beach.
Year 2 - Dave got us a room at the Treasure Island and tickets to a few shows. Three days away from 3 month old was good to be alone but we were both happy to get back and see our baby.
Year 3 - I got us a room at the Big Yellow Inn in Cedar City and tickets to a play at the Shakespearean Festival.
Year 4 - We went to Laguna beach and got spa treatments and sat on the beach and did nothing. (Can you tell we like the beach?)
Year 5 - We stayed home, but the kids were gone and I did a scavebger hunt for Dave. I sent him to all of the places we went on our first date.
Year 6 - Dave got us a room and spa treatments (another trend of ours) at the Green Valley Spa in St. George.
Year 7 - This year! We celebrated this past weekend even though our anniversary is on the 23rd. We had dinner at an Italian restaurant at the Venetian and then saw Phantom. It was SO GOOD. Then we went on a gondola ride. My sister watched the kids...Thanks!!

I let Dave sleep in (something he likes to do a lot) and made him a breakfast of crepes. When it was time to eat I had the boys put on the shorts and shirt we bought him and wake him up. Colin was not very happy with this idea. For Dave's card I had the boys tell me what they liked to do with their dad. Here is what they said:
Colin - I like to draw bobots with Dad.
Trevor - He's a very very good Dad. I like to wrestle and play monster game with him.
Logan - (Big smile!)
Colin's Success!
We started potty training Colin 2 weeks ago and I thought it was going to be a never ending process. Well he has stayed dry for three days now with just two accidents, one at my sister's house and one this morning. Yesterday he was even going into the bathroom and going all on his own without me telling him he needed to go try. I'm so excited. It's been nice only changing one child's diapers for the last three days! I keep thinking of all of the money we'll save now on diapers and wipes!! He's even been to the store a few times and has done really well. Today will be a test - church and then over to my parent's house for dinner.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Friday, June 6, 2008
Tagged by Marylin
- I was at SUU and decided to stay for the summer so I could take enough classes in order to be done with everything by the end of the Fall semester so I could student teach Spring semester. I lived in the sorority house that summer and I was also the sorority President so I had those responsibilities as well. It was a summer like the way a Tale of Two Cities starts out "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
5 Things on my "TO DO" list:
- clean the house (I have a friend from college - a SORORITY SISTER - coming into town tonight and she's coming over with her family to visit)
- start an exercise routein
- set up the "slip and slide" for the kids (I am totally going to play on it with them)
- finish the laundry - it's never ending
- make up my dinner menu for next week and get my grocery list done
Things I would do if I were suddenly a Billionaire:
- I guess Millionaire doesn't cut it anymore
- Buy my dream house that is up the street (the one with the LAUNDRY ROOM!!) and get all of the extras I want.
- Take my family (my parents, Dave's parents, our grandparents, our siblings and their kids) on a Disneyworld Cruise.
- Buy a beach house in Coronado Island
- Put money away for missions and college (that might end up taking most of the money by the time my kids are old enough to go!)
- Go to Italy with Dave
- Stock up my food storage (since my new house has a HUGE pantry)
- Buy a video camera so we can record the kids
- Go out to dinner every night for a week
- Hire a maid service
3 of my Bad Habits
- biting my nails (I am really going to stop this time)
- interrupting people when they are talking (I had no idea, but my husband pointed this out to me!)
- not following through on things I want to do
Places I've Lived
- Las Vgeas, Cedar City for college and Las Vegas once again
Jobs I've Had
- Day care worker (lasted 2 weeks)
- worked at the library
- Hallmark sales associate (I loved that job)
- I worked at a law firm for a few months doing a project for one of the lawyers there
- I cleaned the athletic office building/gymnastics locker room at college.
- worked at a summer day camp before I got my first REAL job out of college
- a teacher - high school and then middle school
- a mom
Some things people don't know about me:
- I have about 10 beginnings to books I want to write. If I get an idea I have to start it so I won't forget. I am getting close to finishing the one I am working on now and then I want to try and get it published.
- I hate clothes shopping.
- I don't like hanging out with a lot of people at once. I'd rather be with a small group so we can all talk together.
- I almost changed my major to Nutrition
- I hated babysitting as a kid
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
On the Road to Kindergarten

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Three Day Weekend Pictures